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True Life with Real Garden

Dr. Joe provides an enjoyable experience while growing plants and makes the earth better through sustainable and safe gardening.

About Dr.Joe


True Life with Real Garden

Dr. Joe is a home gardening brand that gives you easy gardening experiences to bring you joy from plot to plate.

Always around plants…

Dr. Joe

Dr. Joe increases your spiritual connection to the natural world that can help you to revive and re-center and supports a wellness lifestyle providing an enjoyable experience in growing plants and healthy eating.

Home Gardening Lifestyle

Better Us, Better Earth

Better Us, Better Earth!
We make better us and the better earth throughout sustainable horticulture.

식물곁엔 언제나 Dr. Joe

Dr.Joe는 전문 글로벌 가드닝 브랜드로 미국, 유럽 등 세계 30여개국에 판매하고 있습니다.

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